Community Resources
Mental Health Services in Gallatin County
MSU Human Development Clinic: ​Low-Cost Outpatient Adult & Children
Phone: 994-4113
Child & Family Services (DPPHS):
​To report a possible case of abuse and/or neglect, call toll-free1-866-820-5437
The Help Center 24-Hour Crisis Line, Suicide Outreach Hearts & Homes, and The Child Advocacy Center
​Phone: 586-3333​
Montana Warm Line: Non-Crisis support line
​Mon-Fri 4PM-10PM and Sat-Sun 1-10PM
Phone: 1-877-688-3377
Montana Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Phone: 1-800-273-8255
Text: 988
A.W.A.R.E., Inc: Children's Case Management, Outpatient Treatment & Psychiatric Services
​Phone: 587-1181
Hope House Crisis Stabilization
Haven Domestic Abuse Hotline
​Phone: 586-4111
Youth Dynamics Outpatient Therapy & Children Case Management
Outside Counseling and Therapeutic Services
Please contact Kirstin Marne at kirstin.marne@bsd7.org or 406-522-6655 for information on local counselors that can help in supporting your child's needs.