Individual & Group Counseling
Ms. Marne, Miss Morani, and Miss Birkle (intern)
Counselors may meet with students for individual counseling and responsive services to situations. Counseling in the school setting is meant to be short-term and preventative. Students are seen based on recommendations from students themselves, teachers, staff, and/or parents.
Individual Counseling
Group Counseling
These groups happen twice a year, once in the fall after conferences and once in the spring. Groups run approximately six to eight weeks in length. A combination of DESSA data and teacher referral is how these groups are formed.
Ms. Marne, Miss Morani, and Miss Birkle (intern)
Confidentiality is an important part of the counseling process. Exceptions to a child's confidentiality include:
Someone explains that a person is harming them.
Someone expresses wanting to hurt another person.
Someone is wanting to hurt themselves.
A child gives permission to share with another trusting adult.