Monthly Themed Classroom Counseling Lessons
Counseling Lessons in the Classroom
All Students
Counselors do character education lessons on character education topics in all classrooms each month. This gives students the opportunity to know the counselors as a positive face and resource.
Counseling lesson topics for the 2023-2024 school year are listed below. Topics are based on the needs of our school population, the American School Counseling Association Mindsets and Behaviors standards, and Bozeman Public Schools recommendations.
This year we will also be offering recorded Second Step lessons, K-5, created by all 8 of the elementary school counselors. These lessons will be shared with teachers to provide an extra social/emotional foundation for students.
Kindergarten through 5th grade will receive lessons using the Kelso's Problem Solving Curriculum. These lessons will be provided by counselors.
All Kindergarteners will receive 10-12 weeks of additional social skills lessons. These lessons follow The Incredible Flexible Me and We Thinkers curriculum.
Kindergarten and Third Graders will receive Safe Touch lessons. There is no determined month for these lessons. A letter will be sent out to all K-3 parents before these lessons occur in case you would like the opportunity to opt out.